
Showing posts from September, 2018

Encuentros com Claude Onesta

Usted estaba perplejo. Le vi cuando volvi a ver el partido! Vaya empate ! A raiz de los aciertos de la generacion Costantini, cabe recalcar el auge posterior del tecnico de comunicacion Claude Onesta

Encuentros con Nikola Karabatic

Se burlaba con mucha ternura de mi bufanda del Ciudad Real cuando estaba a punto de jugar en el Barcelona Intersport Le gustaba compartir el platano con el publico en el dia muy frio de Kristianstad  Le prometo, como lo hicimos en Londres vamos a conseguir otro trofeo, a por la quinta estrella !  Surtido de aquellas muchas bromas historicas

Encuentro con pintor Abalo

Luc Abalo inspira une visite au stand de musique a Kristianstad.  Luc Abalo rigole toujours quand il voit les supporters fideles, de Doha a Herning en passant par Zaragoza ou Paris.  Luc Abalo produit de belles peintures hors des terrains,  d'ou le nom pratique de 'pintor'

EHF Sweden 2016 - Ours Bruno en folie

A couple of games were very exciting. Un ours curieux et du nom Bruno visite Goteborg dans un ciel clair ou gris pendant l'euro feminin de 2016.

JO Rio 2016 - Triste fin

Lors des JO 2016 de Rio, il est a noter que l'equipe de France de handball  n'a pas reussi la passe de trois titres a la suite. Quel dommage ! Le Danemark eut beaucoup de chance. 

EHF Poland 2016 - A love story with Krakow

During the EHF 2016 in Poland  fans were able to see that Krakow is a beautiful city full of history and tradition

Official Trophies

The longevity of handball players can be assessed through of the prism of trophies. Herein a copy of the EHF 2016 trophy

Champions League Day 1

This is Week 1 of the Champions League.   Despite a slightly lower intensity than anticipated   Rhein Neckar Lowen - Barcelona (35-34) and Veszprem - Kielce (29-27) were interesting matches.  Valur Sigurdsson and Sterbik were at their usual best.

Official Jerseys

How exciting to wear the Handball Spain 2013 official shirt from RASAN ! Gedeon Guardiola podra firmarla algun dia. Muchas leyendas ya firmaron.

EHF Sweden 2016 - Goteborg

In the tranquil city of Gothenburg, we enjoyed the Women's Euro in December 2016. A good coffee, a delicious pastry alongside the tournament's replica ball were the perfect combination as we faced genuine wintery conditions during rest days Chatting away with the Spanish players was the first thing I did once I had tidied up my room and gone out on the first evening. France battled fiercely against a very motivated Norwegian team The Netherlands team was really impressive. Their style of play was also very direct and quite refreshing. 

EHF Poland 2016 - Funny French fans in Krakow

I n January 2016 we had a mixture of very experienced players and a couple of youngsters learning to handle the pressure of the international tournaments. Tweetie bird had a nice cup of tea with the French team players A journalist took a funny picture of the raucous French fans in the Krakow Arena. 

WM 2015 Denmark - Spain vs Russia

There is a genuine language of love when playing and watching handball. Look at the beautiful smiles and the genuine happiness The Danish young ladies cheered for Spain and Spain beat Russia in a very entertaining game Frederikshavn is welcoming this lovely contest

WM 2013 Spain Granollers - Media Volunteer

At the back of the French supporters coach in Belgrade in January 2012 we could hear voices such as that of the chief handballl editor at Handball Woche. Therefore, a year on, I wanted to have a picture with him even if I was working. Laura Agena, Jesus Gomez y Bruno estaban bajo la supervision de Inma en el centro media de Granollers, al desempenar el papel de voluntarios media Handbol 2013

Meeting up with Paul Bray

Over the last twenty-five years Paul Bray has been the prominent voice of international handball for English speaking countries. He successfully manages handball teams in the UK He travels on business with Valero Energy. He also attends all Euro, Olympic, World Championships for Men and Women altogether. One day he gives me a lift to a West London station. The next day I hear him comment an Euro fixture. We were on the same BA flight from Belgrade earlier this year and I was able to hear his top 7 players he actually met/interviewed. I introduced him to my sister on the day of the Men's handball final of London 2012 as we bumped into him by the Westfield Stratford International station Herein a picture in Qatar at our hotel Herein a picture in Belgrade's  complex

Le Sport Unique

Le Sport Unique Cette offrande venue d'ailleurs. Un r̩cital Promu lors de tant d'̩preuves en mode biennal; Toutes les actions sont vite per̤ues: cela d̩tale. Cette magie n'op̬re que pour le bien ancestral De cette activit̩ ludique pr̩conis̩e en temps hivernal. D'Allemagne en Espagne ou France : on ̩tale L'engouement pour le meilleur sport sid̩ral. Balham 23h15, le 5 septembre 2018 2018 Р2018HJ470905P061

Mr Costantini avec Bruno

Les ouailles du handball ont ete bercees par ce grand monsieur. Mr Costantini en personne. Bruno n'est pas pret pour jouer. Peut-etre?

Bera Bera - Donosti call

Las senoras del Bera Bera me han permitido disfrutar de la vida donostiarra. Arranca la Division de Honor Fememina con la Supercopa de Espana. Aupa Bera Bera. Un abrazo desde Londres.

Official Balls

Whether it stands as a replica or a full blown match ball, it is a very cool memory of games. Herein the WM 2013 Select ball displayed in the middle of the Granollers arena. Herein the WM 2011 Select ball for France signed by French players such as Jerome Fernandez, Nikola Karabatic and Luc Abalo. A small women handball ball used at London 2012 was given to me by the main journalists at the Copper Box. During the Men's Euro 2018 in Croatia, the SELECT ball was also signed by players

Encuentro con Hombrados - Suecia WM 2011

JOTA es un gran portero repleto de carino. Siempre me encanta charlar con el Aquel momento fue un privilegio. Ojala JOTA consiga mucho exito en el ambito de sus nuevos retos.

LNH - 1ere journee 5 Sept 2018

Il n'est guere surprenant de voir la domination outrageuse et comptable du PSG et de Nantes.  A noter le succes relativement inattendu de l'USAM a Saint Raphael.  A relever egalement la belle prestation de Tremblay a Cesson. La suite demain avec un Montpellier-Aix