
Showing posts from March, 2019

500 days of ASOBAL

Pocos instantes antes del inicio de la primavera 500 Days of ASOBAL This is not the start of a movie overlay It is public knowledge he is full of class. He should be proud and raise a glass He actually achieved 500 game days A great champion. A role model. Finding inspiration and motivation Alongside brothers and team mates From the out and inside contribution Is second to none. There is no debate. A classy player. A role model. Local, national, international hero. Ojalá cumplas mucho más números. Enhorabuena Raúl. Muchas gracias. Balham 9h10 10 March 2019 2019 - HJ127Mar19    Back in 2014 in Aalborg he was already the ideal playmaker for Spain alongside Joan !

The Best goalscorer

The EHF Champions League highest goal scorer is Melvin Richardson.  Impressive after his superb display at the World Championships. 

League ambitions

Hoping for an Aix win against Montpellier as Nimes beat Tremblay.  PSG playing Nantes tomorrow and both teams cannot get 2 points but they could both get one point.  It is getting really exciting. I need to book my travel to Paris and my match ticket for the USAM match !!!! Going to Japan is probably too ambitious as is an European season ticket. God knows what is to happen.  Mens sana in corpore sano !

What a win !

Unable to watch handball through the BeIn Sports app from the United Kingdom I had to follow the match through the LNH's live update. And the second half was very stressful last night.  Great win ! 27-25. Go Green. Both goalkeepers had an excellent save percentage. We moved one notch better. We are now 4th in the league. My European dreams are getting stronger. More dilemmas coming our way.  There are still a lot of games to be played. And welcome to Mika ! I almost forgot to say how chuffed I am.