500 days of ASOBAL

Pocos instantes antes del inicio de la primavera

500 Days of ASOBAL

This is not the start of a movie overlay

It is public knowledge he is full of class.

He should be proud and raise a glass

He actually achieved 500 game days

A great champion. A role model.

Finding inspiration and motivation

Alongside brothers and team mates

From the out and inside contribution

Is second to none. There is no debate.

A classy player. A role model.

Local, national, international hero.

Ojalá cumplas mucho más números.

Enhorabuena Raúl. Muchas gracias.

Balham 9h10 10 March 2019

2019 - HJ127Mar19


Back in 2014 in Aalborg he was already the ideal playmaker for Spain alongside Joan !


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