
Showing posts from February, 2019

Another handball week-end marred by other events

Club handball at European level is fascinating and one can easily get side tracked or have his handball enjoyment marred by crazy times alloted to football fixtures. I shared the boos from the crowd in Cologne at the world championship when the mayor got confused and thought she was in a football arena. The freedom fans used to enjoy during Champions League matches has receded in the wake of security concerns. I am not living in the right territory and things are not going to improve with the looming Brexit.  Another Champions League handball week-end marred by the omnipotent football frenzy.

Locura del bolsillo


Dunkirk test

This morning expectations for an European tour next season are again gathering momentum.  I do not want another disappointing second half for the league season. Yesterday's win was comprehensive but we need to focus on Dunkirk's visit at the Parnasse.  We still played one more game than two of the top teams in front of us. In the chasing pack Nantes is causing us a bit of trouble but it is Marlene's (and Cyril's) team. And there are many other great players with flair and nice players in their team.  I listened to BBC Parliament last night instead of watching the LNH's live scoreboard where some funny comments may appear at times. The Green team has secured vital wins but we shall not stop this positive attitude. We need to raise our game and step up to the plate when required.  Go Green. The Dunkirk test is coming your way very shortly. It is nice to see both the Nimes handball and football team(s) faring well. Not only do their respective arenas sit very cl

Germany/Denmark 2019 - France's 16 players and managers' ratings

Cyril Dumoulin : Such an unfortunate and terrible injury during the bronze medal match. Beaucoup de courage mon ami ! Wishing you a speedy recovery following your cruciate ligament injury. He did not play a lot during the tournament. Not enough time under his belt to get his full confidence back. Saves usually made in the same corner. Always very friendly with the fans. Had on average a 15% save rate against the big teams and low 20% against lower ranked opposition. Vincent Gerard : Capable of stratospheric perfornances (his first half vs Brazil) but also a 0% save rate against Denmark in the semi-final. It worked in Cologne when I whispered bonne chance to Vincent Gerard. He actually got the Man of the Match award that day against Iceland. It did not work though when I refrained myself from uttering a word. Guillaume Gille : A lot of smile. Not sure if as much has the final say on tactics etc. Should he not lead France and work with brother Bertrand or with Jerome Ferna

Behind USAM

A difficult match awaits USAM away to Nantes this Sunday at 4pm (5pm local time) ; it's a cup match. A significant one. We were finalists last year but I was in hospital ! Following an imbroglio we got through to the final but we did not turn up really. A bit like in the league. We should have finished to clinch at the very least an EHF Cup place. I even dreamed of Champions League handball at some stage of the season. I hope Marlene enjoys the match. However would be delighted if Nimes could win the match. GO GREEN ! GO USAM ! We lost 23- 21 in the end and we gave a good acount of ourselves. Let's concentrate on the league now. Let's catch the European train ! PSG - USAM is near the end of the season and is very close to a Bank Holiday weekend so I must book my travel very shortly. Alternatively it will have to be another fixture. I am devastated that my little cousin stopped playing handball. He used to enjoy it very much. He got Julien Rebichon as a coach. I even

Outcry for DHB Bundesliga

When I was littlle we often got told that the handball games would be on ZDF but in the family we never got to learn German. English or Spanish-speaking channels were our main priority. I do not think she knows it but I could have told her. It is thanks to TVE's saturday afternoon matches - moments before my own club matches - that I could see a lot of handball. Outside of the moments when France were playing. Pathe Sports and Canal Plus were the main broadcasters at the time. In order to become part of the so-called 'Mondial A' elite. Two years ago EHF TV managed to provide on a weekly basis several matches DHB Bundesliga matches live. There was no commentary whatsoever. My guess is that the audience was so low that they got told that they could not afford to provide it anymore. I do not know whether it would be the case and I should have asked discreetly this question to the well respected journalists (I revered) last month ; Sky Deustchland and BeIn Sports Germany Gm

Pâtisserie en main !

-Bonjour Madame, s'interroge le jeune homme, je souhaiterais s'il vous plaît un Paris-Brest pour bien débuter la journée. - Cher Monsieur, je regrette nous n'avons plus de Paris-Brest mais nous avons un Brest-Metz cette après-midi. - Ah très bien, de quel dessert s'agit-il? - Mon brave monsieur, c'est tout simple : un match important de la Champions League de hand féminin européen.  - Oui j’ai encore sous la main un précieux froid et enneigé La’Vie borg / La’vie quai. C’est quitte ou double! - Vous semblez plein d’humour ce matin. Je Bera bien aussi le Super Amara! Ah ha!