Behind USAM

A difficult match awaits USAM away to Nantes this Sunday at 4pm (5pm local time) ; it's a cup match. A significant one. We were finalists last year but I was in hospital ! Following an imbroglio we got through to the final but we did not turn up really. A bit like in the league. We should have finished to clinch at the very least an EHF Cup place. I even dreamed of Champions League handball at some stage of the season.

I hope Marlene enjoys the match. However would be delighted if Nimes could win the match.
GO GREEN ! GO USAM ! We lost 23- 21 in the end and we gave a good acount of ourselves. Let's concentrate on the league now. Let's catch the European train !

PSG - USAM is near the end of the season and is very close to a Bank Holiday weekend so I must book my travel very shortly. Alternatively it will have to be another fixture. I am devastated that my little cousin stopped playing handball. He used to enjoy it very much. He got Julien Rebichon as a coach.
I even remember when USAM played a game against Benfica in the historic Roman bullring in the early 1990s!

Herein pictures from USAM - Cesson in September 2013 !


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