EHF 2020 - Norway/Austria/Sweden It's draw time

As the tournament draw is unfolding in a few hours time.
As the neutrality of your humble blogger needs to be professionally clear.

Before and after the matches I shall present in a diligent and professional manner match reports, interviews, impromptu poetry etc. For obvious reasons I want Spain and France to do well. 

During the matches there shall be no sign of biased support. Only the respect and sharing of the same passion and respect with all the fellow reporters, fans, officials and players.

One gets to know all type of people. You tend to get on with the vast majority of them through your knowledge, your educated manners, your passion and your honesty. The devil is in the detail. Less is more as well. Like in business practices. It is no different. If anything it is even more important than in business.

I will be applying for the media accreditation this time around. I will also be looking for a more formal endorsement because the Granollers experience back in 2013 was amazing. And so were the Germany adventures (Berlin/Munich/Cologne/Hamburg) in January 2019.

Best scenario possible: Spain in Group B, France in Group C, media application accepted, flights booked. 

Worst scenario ever: Spain in Group D, France in Group B, media application declined, flights booked on wrong date and fare. 

Anything else means something must be given away... Vamos Hispanos. Allez les Bleus. Welcome to another international handball party.


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