
Showing posts from February, 2020

EHF Cup Group Day Three - Tight win in Denmark

EHF CUP GROUP STAGE DAY THREE HOLSTEBRO – USAM , GRAKJAER ARENA 1st half After an easy save by Desbonnet a stupid turnover but a very solid defense switches off and after 2’35 1-1 No way the refs accept Sanad’s goal so it 2-4 after 5’40. Number 4 for USAM with a counter-attack ball almost lost when Sanad deftly moves it in the opposite direction. Second quick thinking counter attack finished off brilliantly by Sanad No euphoria please because we tend to switch off in the second half I am happier with the green shirt Holstebro coming back but Elohim Prandi gives a bit of breathing space with a long-range effort 10’15 5-8 There are a lot of empty seats in the arena Three technical faults already within 12 minutes. Not good enough and worrying. And a superb jump for a top corner finish by an opposition player on 12’45 6-8 And Guigou gets his cheeky lob penalty saved but thankfully Quentin Dupuy scores an easy one as empty goal strategy bites the Dan

EHF Cup Group Day Two - Couac Cuenca

EHF CUP GROUP STAGE DAY TWO USAM – CUENCA MEANT TO BE LIVE BUT IT IS NOT WORKING!!!!!! Just before that BENFICA 16 MELSUGEN 11 A very school-like sports complex with an old fashioned taraflex TOFT HANSEN plays for BENFICA Pendant que j’essayais Nîmes eh bien maintenant c’est 22-16 pour les lusitaniens Le cola renversé sur tout le lit ABSOLUTE DISGRACE and so annoying 10-8 pour l’USAM que les images arrivent. 20 mins blocage du live Son inadéquat Le son ne marche pas mais au moins on a une image On perd l’ambiance Il ne faut pas rester sur ses lauriers Big jump Acquevillo pour le 15-11 26ème min Images en différé Remi ne fait pas d’arrêts, what’s going on! Le gardien rate sa tentative pour de loin vers le but vide How come le goal number 17 est compté après les 30mins pour l’USAM????? Pourquoi pas jouer en vert? Maladresse on est 18-15 on 34’30 Pourquoi la contre-attaque stoppée ? Mal arbitré Acquvilleo se rachète a

EHF Cup - Selective Sunday

Whilst PAUC and Nantes play at home, they are also likely to undergo difficult fixtures on Sunday 9 February 2020, the first EHF Cup group fixture. THE BIG BATTLE Rhein-Neckar Löwen    Appelgren   Palicka Gensheimer Mensah Groetzki Fath 23 Kolbacher 80 Tollbring 17 Schmid 2 Petersson 32 Kirkelokke 6 Lagarde Guardiola VS USAM Paul Desbonnet Prandi Guigou 14 Gallego 4 Rebichon Salou Marroux Dupuy Nyautey Tobie George Nieto 28, ressemble à CANELLAS Sanad Acquevillo 27 EHF GROUP STAGE DAY ONE Really tiny sports complex 1 st half Difficult start by Nimes Losing 3-1 with Lagarde scoring on the counter after 4.30 mins and surprise four minutes later 5-7 to USAM Bel arrêt de DESBONNET sur un penalty et double 2 mins when Kolbacher fell over easily Bizarre refs with a dodgy penalty given to Nimes 7-8 on 13 mins Conceding too many 2 mins and not enough

Poème pour Mr DENTZ - Un homonyme et un respect

Cher Monsieur, Petit j’ai regardé les albums historiques de Napoléon ; Petit j’ai débuté mes matchs de handball, proche de vos pupitres ; Petits et grands me disent que je ne serais pas un grand arbitre. Vous l’êtes, étiez et le serez. Comme un champion, Vous étiez apprécié par la grande famille du handball Vous êtes désormais dans un repos éternel. Merci. Je vous connais sans vraiment vous connaitre. De Bercy A Rad è s en passant par Cologne, le partage avec un bal Celui de la vie et des partages avec Denis pour la France. Un hommage comme pourrait le faire votre homonyme, Car avant tout la passion des autres votre synonyme. Londres, le 2 février 2020    20h15

EHF Champions League. Bucharest delight

EHF Champions League Group Stage 2 February 2020 Gyor goalie Grimsbo reminded me of great memories Bucharest vs Metz = THE NEAGU SHOW FIRST HALF 8-8 on 16 minutes We get to 12-9 on 23 minutes Just as I was thinking keeper from Bucharest has the edge, she gets easily beaten in the middle But reduced to 12-11 on 25. Laura Flippes mate gets an empty net goal drawing the match level Three shots top corner, two by Cristina Neagu and it 15-13 with one min left in the first half. 16-14 half time SECOND HALF The Neagu show continues 18-14 (33’) Denisa Dedu is able to read the shots I cannot see CARMEN nor NORA today. And the scoreline becomes 22-16 (40’) Whilst Laura got a ball back, Kanor concedes a two-minute penalty then Nocandy gets two minutes and concedes a 7-meter throw as well Dedu quick thinking helps a cool empty net goal 25=19 (45’) Still no change in keeper by Metz manager. Good goal by Metz on the wing and