Preparing for IHF2023 in Poland and Sweden

Champions League week and local league quick successive matches are our bread and butter. Due to late fixture schedule release it was impossible to do a double header Chartes away and Ivry and PSG. Nantes Aalborg was a cracking match but the renewal season is also an imperative. I am still anoyed at the final result between Porto and Magdeburg.  What offence made the German outfit with their sublime kempe? A valid goal and then chalked off. I also missed a FC Barcelona - Kiel when Victor Tomas got his jersey removed. Whoever stole my WM 2013 Spanish flag from Krakow Ergo arena back in 2016 will have a Victor Tomas signed flag. He signed it on that famous Herning dancing night in 2014.  

As Spain will be in group A in Krakow and the Qatar Football World Cup in Qatar very nears the last 8 stage very timely to have a quarter final Spain v Denmark image. Lets prepare for IHF2023 in Poland and Sweden. I will be flying to Poland the day after the night we play Oxfoird United away in the FA Cup.


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