EHF Dilemma

I asked about the match tickets for Cuenca and RNL away but no answers as of yet.
I also mentioned the photography but no answers either.
I will have to call again the SAP Arena and RNL ticketing team on Monday or as early as possible because I am not able to read the info details in German as RNL provides a special mechanism for the 3 group home matches. And soon flight prices will increase and the hotel I saw will be sold out. I got paid so monies is not an issue as pressing. 

EHF Cup 2019/20

Group B Phase 

Rhein-Neckar Löwen
Has many prominent players I have met through my international travels and reports

Liberbank Cuenca
Never visited this town nor necessarily know any of their players. Surprised they did so well last year in the ASOBAL

USAM Nimes Gard

TTH Holstebro 
Where in Denmark? I did not know that club. Understand that like USAM it used to be a driving force when I was a teenager playing handball. 

Now with Brexit travelling overseas will have a different feel. This is mentally a sickening experience.

FIXTURES SCHEDULE with dilemmas 

DAY ONE         08.-09. 02. 2020          Rhein-Neckar Löwen    AWAY 

vs ARSENAL Newcastle h

DAY TWO        15.-16. 02. 2020          USAM – CUENCA                    

if moved to that week instead, vs ARSENAL Newcastle h

DAY THREE     22.-23. 02. 2020           TTH Holstebro             AWAY  

vs ARSENAL Everton h

DAY FOUR      29. 02-01. 03. 2020       USAM - Holstebro  

vs Carling Cup Final / M City away

DAY FIVE        21.-22. 03. 2020           USAM – RNL                            

vs ARSENAL Saints away

DAY SIX          28.-29. 03. 2020           Cuenca                        AWAY              

vs ARSENAL No match


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