Missing Japan dearly

Las Guerreras are playing their first world championship final vs the Netherlands and I am not with them. VAYA LASTIMA.
AUPA GUERRERAS in an hour time live from Tokyo. On Teledeporte or IHF TV?
It reminds me the moment when I saw one of Carlos Viver team member in Salamanca  just over a year ago.... Amazing.

The redundancy drew me into cancelling all the projects because I am unable to concentrate on my handball passion unless I have a stable job or professional task to support the financial costs or expenses.

The alternative is to work as a journalist or a reporter in the industry but like politics it is very demanding and time consuming. And I missed a lot of opportunities. 

I am lucky though not to have a family to look after, which provides some flexibility, but with Brexit I am now conscious that London could get even more detached from the world of handball.
Japan was looked at carefully because it is also the Olympics location in 2020. The rugby world cup reminded us of Japan's exposure to acts of god or natural disasters.


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