IHF EGYPT 21 A pleasing France win, but Wednesday is another day !


24 January 2021

Algeria vs Iceland and Belarus vs Macedonia

Letting aside Morocco vs Chile

Very unorthodox goal by Kili on the counter as he gets the 2-2 equaliser after 6 mins

STOPPED match reports due to an hour-long call  with my best friend                                           

Ferlin is incredible and Egypt shooting efficiency dropping fast especially in the first half of course.

Parents called and this was to disrupt my watching the games. 

Powerplay for Iceland and they concede to trail 19-22 with Sagosen on his 2nd 2 min

Whilst Egypt got three empty goals as it’s a 1-goal match now 15-14

The ball slipped off Elisson hands and Norway cannot resist later the gift with a 4-goal lead  23-27 with 16 mins left

Iceland have lost their defence and the keeper makes hardly any save

A bit of an anti-climax as Iceland trails by 5 but Egypt are now leading by 2 so cool for Roberto but bad for USAM since key players are happy if still in the tournament but not available at club level.

The Norwegian 2min goes quick….

Elisson unfortunately missed his team 30’s on the wing on 53’45

Cheap 2 mins to Gislason and I agree with his frustration as he is red-carded

Arnasson powerfully brings back to one

Elisson over-did it and missed a key one for Iceland to France’s dismay and instead of equalising they now trail by 2 with 3 mins left! THAT miss plus a penalty not given as opposed to the other one given to Norway.  And it’s virtually over  and it finished 35 – 33 to Norway

Whilst Slovenia got back to 25-25 with ten seconds left but with a bit of confusion 5 seconds lost by Slovenia to secure a steal. Egypt going through then.  


France vs Portugal

What does YG need to do to be playing ahead of Gerard?

Borges gets the first one as easy line play but Abalo missed his first attempt on the wing

Ironically Nguessan gets the equalising goal after 2 mins

Guigou hesitated but Nguessan got his second goal. OMG

Borges gets his second on the other side. Again, no defence really so far.

Nguessan in the meantime missed his third attempt

The refs did not stop the clock as the yellow card was raised !

Dika stupendous shot makes it 4-3 (7’)

Duarte gets his marching orders.

Mika gets on the scoresheet to our relief 6-3 (9’)

Attacks are not very creative but speed is key at the minute.

Silva sneaks one in reducing the arrears

The refs are not stopping the clock and of course Kentin missed the penalty.

Again, Mika hesitated and near passive play Timothee scores 8-5 (13’)

Dangerous play by Luka, stupid 2 mins. Hopefully not too costly.

What happened to Timothee today. GG must have known something….

But the defense is porous again 9-7 with the power play in the balance (14’30)

Forcefully Kentin scores number 10 to our relief.

The Portuguese assistant keeps whinging. It’s becoming ridiculous.

Romain strikes deftly but Gomes replies so it’s 11-8 (17’30)

It should be a red card, not only a 2 min. That was pretty indecent from the Portuguese backline

Martins scores a beauty and Gerard does not anticipate. YG to the rescue?

Abalo hesitant and ironically powerplay and deficit reduced by Portugal 12-10 followed by an easy save (20’). Even a one-goal game 12-11 seconds later.

Again, the clock not stopped!

The deserved penalty converted 13-11 (22’)

Poisonous Martins with a sublime shot at the end of sequence where it could have been passive play and Gerard does not do anything 13-12 a min later.

Romain big miss but good reaction so helpful 15-12 (25’)

Guillaume Gille gets a yellow card as is one Portuguese coaching staff member. Not sure why. Costly Luka miss on the post. Annoying.

Perfect steal. UNFAIR.

Costly miss by Abalo on the counter. CRIMINAL. He had his team mate on the side with open goal

Pass back to keeper so should be our ball!!!

Clever ball in the middle and Romain did not miss 16-12 (29’15) and good defense ensured a bit of precipitation by Portugal. Looking at a revanche from the euro embarrassment. Scoreline at the break.

Stupid counter and Branquinho already reduces the arrears within 30 seconds of the restart

Then attacking foul that could have been costlier.

Iturriza gets an easy one back and then gets his marching orders.

Get YG on if RD in the stands.

Nedim BIG MISS !

Still not good enough on power plays.

There is nothing and yet 2nd 2mins for LUKA. COMMEDIA DELL ARTE from Gomes hair-struck Portuguese player. And this time they stopped the clock. Cheeky refs.

Another big Nedim MISS. It’s not his day. Do not play him.

Thank God big miss by number 14 from Portugal!

Nedim scores with a bit of luck as France leads 18-14 (36’)

Too many misses. Not a great second half.

And Portugal back to their 7-6 antics with Martins stupendous shot 18-15 (37’30)

Interesting Descat penalty but did he move his feet?

Unlucky! The post saving Portugal from a great long-range goal by France!

Take Vincent off please. I do not understand!

Thank God Hugo scores. 20-16 (40’)

Interesting Barcelona combination leading to a beautiful twenty-first by LUDO. FAB.

Post again! But Hugo to the rescue and it’s a 6-goal unsafe cushion 22-16 (41’30) but a long time left still.

Gomes good goal but he should have had two mins for faking a foul earlier

Thank God their keeper is not having a blinder but still a long way to go.

Wasteful Gerard too long and hazardous throw! Get him off please!

Incredible decision by the ref then he found a way to get the ball back to France. Thank God.

 15 mins left. The stress increases as their keeper recovers well with one save.

Hugo again to the rescue 24-17 (46’)

ONE SAVE by VG, I am dreaming indeed !

Hugo on the counter adds another one.

Too casual France missed number 26!

Too many turnovers to my liking. But Portugal also are getting tired.

Beautiful lob by Hugo makes it 26-17 (48’30)

Why not stopping the clock immediately? 6 seconds lost as the ball was out!

This time great throw by VG to Hugo and it’s a 10-goal advantage with just over 9 mins left

But the Portuguese drought ended second later.

And then Cavalcanti scores an easy shot to which Gerard did not recat

Now we have the too casual France. This must stop as Portugal are reducing the arrears 28-20 (53’)

Thank God VG does a very good save on the counter that followed.

Excellent shot by Melvin makes it 29-20 but the young Cavaliere Cavalcanti replies immediately

New keeper cannot cope with Melvin and it’s 30-22 on 56 mins

I liked the 1st half. The second half is odd.

The Portuguese coach appears disillusioned

New keeper saves from a good wing play combination

Powerful Melvin makes it 31-23 with just over a minute to go.

Hugo makes it 32!

Elegant thank you for Portuguese head coach 32-23 win in the end. Revenge from Norway last year! As confirmed by Mika! Tough vs Hungary or Spain!

What! Gomes player of the match!

A winners’ performance. A delight! 

When things are not going so well never under-estimate the effort, by the same token this win should not be over-rated and this is nothing if Wednesday is not a success story.

GG on his own at the end of the interview with a wry funny smile.

Of course, for obvious reasons I want France vs Hungary. NO CRUCE VS SPAIN please.


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