IHF Egypt 21 well done to Sweden

 29 January 2021

France Sweden, prediction of 24-23. Completely in the wrong. WELL DONE Sweden! A deserved defeat for France. French players will have to pick themselves up for the bronze medal match like in 2019.

 Paul admitted not knowing about the strategy with the two injuries. Interesting yet telling omen.


Still VG starting !

Quick fire goals

Young generation for the Swede

A bizarre pass and wasted opportunity for Sweden to lead 3-1 after less than 3 mins

2 mins to LUCHO

Wanne enjoying against a defence and attacks en panne!

Too predictable France

Gerard failed to connect and France still losing 4-2 on 7 mins

Lovely KEMPA by France as passive play against Sweden beckoned

Carlsbogard powerful drive surprises again VG. Still down by 2

Surely YG needs to come on

Wing goals but hardly any saves!

Swedish players are falling like butterflies

Incredible pass by MIKA but the speed in the counter was worrying and LUCHO makes it count. All square at 6 at 12’25

Good Swedish defense means failed counter-attack

This time time is left go. Why, is this a new ref trend?

Another Dika Mem mistake and another costly one !

Kentin chose the wrong angle and Palicka did the rest and on 15 mins Sweden leads 7-8

Very good shooting stats for Sweden

How long do you need to change keepers? God’s sake !

 Now losing by three but the refs let them spend ages

Clever trick by Kentin and Mika reduces the arrears

20 mins and Sweden leading 10-8

Palicka saves and Claar ironically clips. And down by 3 thirty seconds later.

How on earth its not a penalty on Tournat?

Then quick passive play and loss on the counter. Trailing by 4 8-12 21’45

Remili suddenly introduced scores an easy one

No defence at all for France.

Incredible pace. Relentless for French tired legs

Free throw was a gift and then the fumble not off guard!

Incredible 100% rate. Finally after 25 mins one save !

Stop the f’’’’’’g clock you stu…… refs!

They took ages to raise their arms for passive play so sod the number of passes

An Uruguyan player got a red card for this on DIKA !

Great line supply by DIKA for Nicolas Tournat 13-15 (28’40)

No way this is not a foul. Commedia dell arte by Swedish players. Not a good ad.  

What a double save, especially the second one by the foot tipping edge by KING PALICKA and Sweden leads 13-16

Only trailing by 3 at the break luckily!

I think GG should have done what Mr Costantini did: put YG first and Remi Desbonnet as back-up (second) keeper for this match to avoid the so predictable for Palicka and his young mates.

Sweden did not need to travel, nor an extra time!

Pettersson gets the 3-goal lead back

JJA is doing well. COOL.

Great save by YG leads to Descat clever ball

Godfrisson falls like a baby to win a cheap penalty.

Sweden still leads 16-18 (34’)

Dika did not interfere, despite being in the area. The penalty and France gets hard done on a not so good day.

Then Dika dithered on his shot and opportunity for +4 for Sweden

Very cheap 2 mins to JJA who was doing well. Dodgy refereeing.

No defence again !

Good Fabregas goal to give hope.

Counter and 18-22 (41’)

Why no MELVIN?

VALOU mistake sums it up for France.

Lucky Godfrisson and it’s France trailing by 5 now

So now you are stopping the clock and giving 2 mins to the Swedes

Hugo does the same thing to Palicka for the inside post

Godfrisson should have had 2 mins. Typical refs.

Back to 20-23

And then Di Panda gets a two min

Unlucky Hugo and back to 4 down

15 mins left!

Hugo lopsided help. OUCH.

Why is taking Gerard back in goal?  Bad idea, very bad choice. Does not make any sense at all.


The second half is even worse!

Change in wrist strategy teasing Andreas by Hugo.

But trailing by 4 with 10 mins left

Palicka parries it in the goal. Giving France hardly any hope.


WHAT A RED CARD!!!! From the second angle yes but not on the other one! Norway Brazil in 1998 anyone?

What about the foul earlier? YOU INCREDIBLY INCOMPETENT refs. On a very bad day for France it does make any difference at all to be fair.


Interception out of play.

I do not like Kentin’s disinterested face.

DIKA miss again and still no MELVIN !

I am sorry GG but I do not understand the choices

The ball bounced off Hugo. So frustrating

Incredible PALICKA save.

One man marking please for 4 mins please

Wrong pass by Nedim !

Another Palicka save.

Well done to Sweden and Palicka.

A Norwegian coach helping Sweden with young players

So many bad choices!

Claar clearly beautiful KEMPA.

A deserved defeat.

Look at their joy. 26-32 defeat against a very good Swedish team!

PALICKA gets very emotional and he deserves it.

France needs to concentrate on the bronze medal match.


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