EHF Day III When a moment of shame stems from unfairness

I was far too calm during the first match and Montenegro played well to weather the German resistance.  

I then went through all sorts of feelings in the second match and in the end I was distraught. I am very sad for Jose Ignacio. Met with the Poland 2023 tournament directors. Sat with the Spanish team backroom staff. Then cheered on Spain with the young ladies dressed as volunteers. After the ectasy of a 4-goal lead the 6-0 drubbing in the last ten minutes was a fatal unexpected ending. Once back at the hotel I checked the rules and Poland are through come what may on the next match unless the regulations changed again.

When I got up towards the exit I saw the entrance door closed so I feared the worst au revoir to your items.

I had praised security for their fairness on Day I and earlier in the day about seating etc. My moment of shame is to have stayed around in the first place and shouted that this was not fair. Even a Spanish old man was ignored when he tried to help me.  Their hiding was rule is rule. I was escorted towards the exit. Then he said Go in a nasty way when I said that it was disgraceful. I thanked the Spanish gentleman and his wife said that it was incredible. Mum was furious at me reacting in that way. I knew they were very strict. I was unlucky that I entered Gate 3 instead of Gate 4 and also I did not check at the end of the first match with security. I will be very discreet tomorrow with only my wallet and my mobile. I was overly confident. I was also sad. I was a bit childish.  I must move on in order to enjoy the forthcoming things. 

I have to say that I really crave for Spain to go through to the main round. Obviously with 0 points the semi finals are mathematically virtually impossible. A win by 2/3 over Germany and we are in the main round. If Bolk gets isolated. If Merche is no longer injured. If we could play a tad better especially in attack.  

It is a stain on the trip to have experienced a double disappointment so far because on top of a sad ending as a fan and to a handball friend, whether you speak calmly or not to them (the scary security staff) they do what they like in an authoritian manner and they do not care one bit. One of them inside was clapping as if he was a fan. When I asked nicely I was virtually every time welcomed by a shrug of the shoulders. Maybe after all I am not that keen on discipline. Maybe after all I am too often used to hearing yes you can do it. Maybe I was lucky in Serbia when others suffered the same setbacks. Due to an overwhelming set of incidents, the prohibitions in any sports/music arena are pervasive.  Moment of shame in unfair setting needs to be shrugged off my mind and a lesson to be learnt the harsh way however the loss of items might be. Get on with it silly boy.


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