EHF 2022 - Day II 2nd part and Day III Sunshine

 Of course instead of watching the football I went out into the local market. And a blessing in disguise as I got to know that part of Podgorica. Stains on the football shirts or not the right size but definitely the right bazaar for everything except timbles !

Then I happened to be near the football stadium and Podgorica were playing FK Arsenal Tivat and I was weraing an Arsenal shirt as the Bud ultras were going through. I remained clam and stuck in a bizarre mud for my own safety !

On game's day and on the Monday the club shop was still closed. Partly due to COVID?

I ended up going again to my favourite Indian restaurant. And then chilled out watching the other group matches and catching up on sleep.

The next morning it was sunny that I had to have a stroll here and everywhere. I also found the Montenegro shirt for my boss and bumped into Jessica Alonso from the Spanish delegation.

On our approach to the Podgorica hotel, facing the old bridge, there lies of the statue of native Tito.

I have my Montenegro shirt and my Spanish shirt at the ready.

I had a stroll by the old Middle Ages bridge and what a pittoresque scenery !

I got to the supermarket but I had the impression that she did not charge me the advertised prices. Never mind. I then had a can of local pivo and spoke to Dad as it is his 75th birthday.


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