EHF Day VII and VIII This is not quite right

Rebellious teams on 0 points getting the upper hand over the two teams with 2 points. Germany confortable winners over the Netherlands. Grit, attack efficiency and balanced defensive display. Spain tactical adjustments to Romania were not very robust. Numerous saves from Nicole Wiggins avoided a first half onslaught, Spain only trailing by one at the interval (11-12). For 13 mins in the middle of the 2nd half Spain looked more likely to turn the game on its favour. One particular passive play decision would be costly and then the draw escape would be nullified by a tremendous long range shot.

Tough to take this defeat but gracious in defeat. Eating and drinking with the fellow fans in a posh restaurant reduces the sadness. The mood the next morning was fairly low. And when we met 8 of the Spanish players I respectfully went separate ways doing my touristy things. I had to wave respectfully with a soft smile. I bought a couple of items at the bazaar.


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