EHF 2022 Women's Euro Review

Time to have a go at the good, bad and ugly of EHF 2022 Women’s EURO


Empty arenas, not helped by hefty prices

Media accreditations are not given on the basis that it takes out of the pot seats that could be sold. This point makes sense if the event is close to or is bound to be sold-out. These championships had all venues almost three quarters empty. The increase in prices strategy is not the right one. Add to this the very limited advertising and promotion of such event. At none of the airports did we see an advert for it. We did see Ana Gros in the street ads in Slovenia. One does not want to be brain-washed or annoyed by the campaign. There is a balance to be struck. Anyone attending the Montenegro Netherlands or the beginning of Poland – Germany would have been in shock.

Inconsistent security measures: unfair, strict & zealous behaviour, unpredictable casus belli, wild open door based on trust

I over-reacted to the marker incident.  The security was tight and fair once inside. This probably led to an even sweeter third day of matches in Podgorica. I could have gone to Kotor on the Sunday but I wanted to enjoy the sunshine whilst discovering Podgorica. Impossible to find a timble in Montenegro’s capital whereas in North Macedonia and Slovenia it was a matter of seconds. In North Macedonia it was inconsistent but quick because the arena was empty. As for the arena in Slovenia sheer delight of trust and as cool as you like.

                                                                                                                                                         Abysmal level of refereeing coupled with lack of intellectual honesty amounting to corruption of referees and officials

Euro podcast praising third place Montenegro, who did play well during the tournament but there are doubts as to real sport: losing 43-25 to the Netherlands in the main round playing with their 2nd string virtually eliminating Spain from a trip to Slovenia PLUS fans throwing items on the playing surface and uttering racist comments. I cried at the end of Montenegro - Romania not only because it is was not ideal for Spain but more importantly, I despise any form of injustice in sport. This morning I saw Uninformed Handball Tweet on the Montenegro win v France. One could think that it acts as a propaganda vehicle to the EHF. I will have to raise a complaint to the EHF Executive Committee.  It is unusual for a national team experienced head coach to come out having a go at poor refereeing standards. I was sat by the officials table at Podgorica. Whilst fully aware of the zealous security, I made sure I was extremely calm during the first half then I exploded. I was tired and concerned about my umbrella but I had had food. Yet I had a surreal rash/urge of asking the young staff in front of me. They were going up the stairs. Perhaps for a comfort break. On my seat there was no flag nor no tee shirt for Montenegro. Just before the game re-started as he was getting near my seat I tried to ask him why the two decisions were made and the security guy told his mate to check on and I was disruptive. Not only this, adding insult to injury. Every time Montenegro was pegged back by Spain unfair decisions were made. As soon as they were 4 or 5 goals ahead and not long to go the refs tried to even up things and you could hear disapproval from the Montenegro fans. My birthday was wrecked and Germany Poland would be watched half upset. I am not sure if I kept a picture of the Romania fans distributing the ‘Respect my work’ tee-shirts. Bottom line is that I took on Twitter at half time and at the final whistle because the decisions were simply out of order. However horrible the injury to the Montenegro player it was supposed to be a clear 7-meter with a 2-min suspension, clear as daylight at a crucial moment of the match. Having gone through two scandalous refereeing and biased officials, I kept my cool when the same happened during France’s second game against Montenegro. Thinking loud in Spanish [Pero, que fuerte! No puede ser!] 



No event program booklet as a collector’s item

No Slovenian nor Team shirts on sale

Very limited offer of food or beverages at least at two venues

No proper fan zones

Less spontaneous approach to players, managers, and officials as keen to display more security and zealous respect

Incomplete business conversations on personal accident as a result



Getting to know and be friends with handball family members that are new friends

Norwegian prowess to win at all cost

How a team progresses in tournament [Not beaten twice in the same tournament]


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