EHF 2022 Day 12 Three awesome games and such a remontada by Sweden !


Tuesday 25 January 2022





Narrow win by Spain 28-27 and very interesting match but impossible to type any report as I was working at the same time or listening to a presentation.





Same scoreline for Germany and same uncertainty throughout. As enticing as the Spain win. I was working on something different this time so impossible to type on the personal PC !





4-5 14'

Tielin makes another save

Not good what Sagosen did, whatever the outcome

Even the 2-min is suspicious.

Darj responded to Reinkind 5-6 18’40

But Barthold keeps his stats up with a goal 5-7 18’50

Another suspicious 2-min given to Sweden but Sweden sticking to it.

Sagosen on his guards and huge leap 7-9 22’20

Saeveraas sent it into the empty net 7-10 seconds later.

Suddenly Norway in finding an opportunity to extend further their lead

Reinkind of some kind 7-12 25’

Life is too easy for him really 8-13 28’

The deputy keepers are doing the business at this euro. Across all teams surely the stats would confirm this. The back-up keepers are hardly used however.

9-14 No time to breath and Norway landslide.

Bergerud saved the 7-meter then saved from Gotfridsson.

Goalless so far in the second half.

Even the 7-meters are not scored.

Finally Lagergren scores but Overjodret responded 10-15 35’

Barthold surprisingly missed an easy one !

What a pass and only 4 goals in it 11-15 37’

Wanne gave up. Now third attempt in minutes and yet Ekberg missed as well.

No flipping way. 3-nil to Bergerud.

3 goals did get scored in 10 minutes

Somehow Sweden crawling back 12-15 50’20

Toft is not soft 12-16 40’37

Illegal substitution by Norway. Incredible.

Reinkind finds another good shot 15-18 44’

Carlsbogard growing in confidence sternly 16-18 44’30

Slowing and surely my wish of Sweden going through may materialise

Gullerud draws it much further away 17-19 47’

O’Sullivan just before the passive play call 17-20 50’

Sagosen is always on the floor. Annoying.

Great line play by Norway 18-21

A steal. A costly one. 18-22 52’35

Chrintz avoid any embarrassment. 19-22 53’35

That’s the good Sagosen now 19-23 53’45

Chaotic and speed at all cost!

Too slow for a change. Line play combination completely wiped out

21-23 56’

Gotfridsson from nowhere 22-23 57’

Yes 23-23. Wanne made it ! Incredible. 57’45

Never give up in handball !

As a neutral its fun

Bizarre decision from the Danish refs. Agree with Sagosen.

Time out with 45 seconds left.

A Norwegian manager keen to beat his home nation ! That’s the crux of the matter.

Norway lost 4 seconds as the refs did not ask to stop the clock timely. That is unfair

It’s a 7-meter

Chrintz scores it

Big defence now

11 seconds left

Well done Sweden. YEAH.

Sweden scrapped it against Denmark to reach the final in Croatia and this time it was even more emotional.


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