EHF 2022 Day 4 - A gripping Iceland win v Steins/Smits & Co



Iceland - Netherlands

Belarus – Poland

Gustavsson two saves at the start

Its almost Germany vs the Netherlands as most Icelandic players play in Germany !

Young Kristiansson delivers an easy shot but the Dutch team is resolute 3-2 5’

Schagen draws level 3-3 whilst Iceland are short-handed 7’

Luc Steins gets Holland ahead 3-4 9’

Gustavsson keeps Iceland afloat.

Actually, it’s interesting that there is no competitive Iceland team on the women’s side

It’s a tight affair. Much tighter than expected.

Crazy decision against Iceland and I agree with Gudmunsson, it should be a 7-meter throw for them as opposed to an attacker’s foul

Well done Vidarsson into the empty net

Smits annoyingly scores 9-10 20’. Come on Iceland

Kielce player Gudjonsson scores a beautiful wing goal 10-10

How work allows him to be away in Spain and Hungary?

He must have caught THAT KLM flight

Where was the Dutch defence for Jonsson to score so easily? 11-10 23’

Gudjonsson with the wrist and Iceland two up 12-10 25’

His fall was suspicious and he took a 2-min suspension when he received an elbow!

Error by the officials

The Dutch players are the new Portuguese. Whinging all the time. Annoying.

Gudjonsson gets Iceland ahead 15-13 with 20 seconds left.

Lovely line play by Gislason 17-14 31’25

Smits fairly low shot makes it 17-15 32’

Kristjansson scores freely 19-15 34’36

Iceland 20-15 36’35, with a scoring run of 5-2

Elisson scores following a sublime set up by Aron 22-17 39’45

The Dutch team are having a better spell as they reduce the arrears 22-19 42’40

Double suspension suffered by the Netherlands

23-19 44’

KEMPA by Schagen 24-21 45’45

A big miss by Aron. Strange!

Good goal by Benhaghem 24-22 48’40

One goal in it and now they are level 24-24 and 3 goals in 30 seconds 25-25 51’53

Smits equaliser is a shocker as Aron gets a 2-min suspension

Nerves of steel to be a coach

Gudjonsson gets number 27

Great Gustavsson left leg save. Superb !

I probably picked the best of two matches.

Smits has 12 goals already. He is the Lazarov of Netherlands!

Iceland 29-27 56’43

Missed KEMPA but the choice was too audacious.

Disbelief from Gudmunsson and I kind of agree.

24 goals in the tournament so far.

Huge save as Aron missed

Steins ran into Smarason. Too hasty a decision through the video thing

Interesting decision of an attacker foul. Bizarre?

14 seconds, a long time looking for wasting time when individually marked short handed

29-28 win for Iceland.


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