EHF Men 2020 - A Croatia blitz

On Friday I could not see the Slovenia match. Too early and awaiting at the hotel reception.

I only saw bites of the Norway match before the reception drinks.

I missed Sweden vs Portugal because I was at the dinner.

I watched discreetly large sequences of Belarus – Czech Republic during the second half of Sheffield U at home.

The evidence of a long travel is the fact that I missed all the first half of Spain vs Austria

I watched whilst in Sainsbury the second half of Austria vs Spain

I am glad MAQUEDA got the man of match award deservedly

Croatia vs Germany

What an evening finale and what a prediction I had made

But it is not the deafening atmosphere of Cologne

Excitement vs nervousness.

KASTENING continues where he left it. Brilliant goal opposite top corner and 1-1 (3’)

D FORCE as DRUX and DJUNVAK both score within seconds of each other 2-2 (3’30)

Little Women at the same time as Liverpool VS MU

Mandic makes an unorthodox lob making up for the deficit to 3-4 (7’)

Schmid scores a fine goal 4-5 (10’)

Horvat missed a penalty so the scoreline does not change as we approach min 12

Another penalty save by Wolff this time on the right side around min 14

Uwe catapults as soon as Croatia had scored 5-6 (5’) and another one and another one 5-8 (18’). He celebrates with delirium, sparking a Croatian timeout.

Wolff is having a fairly good first twenty minutes and is annoyed to concede a 6th goal.

Stepancic easily dispatches a shoot on the left top corner 7-9 (20’30)

Cindric scores 8-9 (22’) and, as the EHF TV commentator says, is in football mood, nobody believes that you are hurt. INDEED.

Double suspension for Germany and yet they manage to get a goal. The Power of Weber. And it is more than a play on words. Wolff secures another vital save.

Very confusing with the 2-minute given to Croatia as Germany now lead by 3 with just over five minutes left 8-11

Wiencek is so unlucky on the two-minute and VAR for handball is annoying when the obvious gut feel gets wiped out.

Subsequently Wolff saves another penalty paving the way for number 12 for Germany (26’)

I got sidetracked by a cola incident

It could have been an offensive foul and instead a 7-meter throw is an opportunity for Germany to lead by 3 at the break win 11-14.


A bit of untidy handball at the restart.

Suddenly what a defensive display by Germany.

Lovely winger’s goal by KASTENING then UWE collects superbly from Wiencek and it is now 11-16 (33’30)  

DUVJNAK concedes a second 2-minute penalty and Croatia trailing by five. But as Karacic sprints to reduce the deficit, Timo is not TIMORE and Germany leads 14-18 (39’)

Mandic completed another sprint as it is now 16-18 a minute later

Old fashioned dive by Kolkabacher giving a bit of relief to Germany 16-19 (41’)

Karacic was prompt to collect the rebound making it 18-20 (43’)

Now Croatia are within one from Germany 20-21 with fifteen minutes left.

Wonderful pass after surprising Asanin. SEGO is having a day off.

I was surprised how Croatia fared in the first half but over the preliminary round you could see that Croatia is actually stronger than Germany. And after two additional Wolff saves it remains 22-22 on 50’30 and on a counter by Mandic Wollf makes another excellent save.

Prompting UWE to win a precious 7-meter 22-23 (52’)

23-23 (54’)

He was not defending in the area so it should not be a penalty and Reichmann makes the most of it 23-24 (55’)

How come it is not a 7-meter for Croatia….

Then Cindric hastily wastes under the passive play threat but Duvnjak steals the show. Croatia are slowing the rhythm. I am not sure it is the right idea

Passive play is quickly given against Croatia by the Portuguese referees.

So, if two minute to Pekeler it is no longer passive play. Karacic jumps heroically and stoically so that probably for the first time in the match Croatia are in front 25-24 (58’40) and Germany failed to score.  SEGO delivers a massive blow to Germany with that incredible save, despite its difficult first half. So, Germany is out. Wolff is logically disgusted.

Sporting shakes at the end.

FABULOUS GAME. Hence the huge celebrations by Croatia.
I love the way they are dancing with the fans. Proper adulation.


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