EHF Men 2020 World poem

As my handball friends are waking up in Malmo, I just engineered quickly this short ode
I am travelling  in a couple of hours  today and I will be spending quality time with a special friend, instead of doing mmy match reports. 

World upside down

Malmo just experienced the unthinkable. Portugal

Swept aside the Swedish hosts by heft margin.

I missed the game: so shocked and so illogical.

Struggle to comprehend. Is it down to adrenalin?

The handball world has turned himself upside down

The handball legends get what they have sown

Lusitania growing respectability. Fans are in town;

That fateful defeat was maybe the start so special

Of Something for the minnow group from Portugal

Malmo, the cathedral of that unforgettable famous final.

Balham 8h30 19 January 2020  20201901P026


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