NORWAY / AUSTRIA / SWEDEN EHF 2020 Au revoir Trondheim, end of Preliminary, Main Round Pronostics



Bosnia leading 2-1 after two minutes.

I will explain my day later.

It is even 3-1 to Bosnia on 3 mins

Definitely back to the 80s. But not geopolitically obviously. Mind you, maybe?

Because no one fears, the game is very predictable.

So frustrating. Whatever happens go to bed early!

PERCEE de PRCE, he scores THREE goals to make it 4-1 within 5 (five) minutes.

Are you set for a terrible ZERO POINTÉ?

C’est la Bérézina. Une vraie crise. Une grosse fracture.

Le bleu de chauffe du staff bosniaque, ironie costumière et non coutumière ?

Croire en un rebond avec tir croisé de Romain?

Mais vite un autre but-gruyère.


Mais Buric n’entend point aider la France. Un MIKA d’orgueil 5-5 (11’)

GRAHOVAC lui cire le banc et se désaltère. Rien ne sourit. C’est la catastrophe. Mais c’est aussi, pour les supporters, le problème des enfants trop gâtés. Trop gâtés par des performances surhumaines pendant tant d’années et en restant les pieds sur la terre amicale.

Perdre une minute de retransmission à cause d’un bug noir sur EHF TV.

Jolly goal: 11th goal for France. VALOU (e.g. Valentin Porte) strikes again: it is now 11-10 on 22 minutes.


Un autre de VALOU pour de l’air.

Mathieu GREBILLE réalise un subtil lob pour le 13-10 (25’) et Malou sort son drapeau de la Réunion.

Mais l’écart fond comme neige au soleil perdu. C’est désormais 14-12 (27’30).

Si étourdi au moment du transfert anxieux entre bus et train que je croyais que Prandi had brought the scoreline to 15-13 with a goal actually just over the bar….off course! Of course no goal, I got coined as well. It is still 14-13 to France.

On voit Fabrice et les AMATE à la mi-temps. Chouette!

We were so used to that pride and team spirit perspective.

Why am I losing the connection? Bloody signal.

Les supporters comme les 2 Cathy font la mauvaise mine. La deuxième mi-temps et Miss Mauger se lève pour Adri’s goal as it now reads 15-13 on 32 minutes.

Wesley continue son petit chemin et Dika mitraille 16-13 on 33 minutes.

Rien ne passe! Des deux côtés. Enfin presque car nous revenons à 16-14 (34’30).

Je m’arrête sur le côté pour n’y aller (ce funeste lieu) ni recevoir la pluie torrentielle si désagréable.

Evelyne happy, c’est vraiment mieux. Avec son maillot de Valou quand but no. 17 entra.

Les amis ont enfin des motifs d’avoir le sourire. C’est à ce moment que l’arbitre offre un deux minutes à Mr Fabregas.

La joie est donc de courte durée.

But de gardien malgré une extension spectaculaire de Melvin.

D’où une avance de seulement par deux buts 19-17 (39’)

Malou, Evelyne et Catherine Pautrat se rebellent tous ravis du GOAL no.20

Ref says attack inside when clearly Grebille was not! To his justified disgust.

Superb counter with Porte’s lob a tad cheeky 21-18 (42’)

C’est maintenant le no…22   établissant un score de 22-19 (43’30)

Gerard back in goal. Not sure why. Pardin fatiguait dans l’intensité, peut-être ?

Un sursaut de sérieux et de logique sportive et l’on retrouve le champagne handball avec Valou’s trickery.

Mieux vaut tard que jamais.

Le drapeau bosniaque flotte devant les MAUGER.

Fabrice d’un visage triste sur un ralenti. Le score est 24-19 (46’)

Mr Gerard sort mal et 20-14 mais les minutes filent et Buric reprend confiance et la France refait des erreurs.

VALOU a mis des buts dans tous les angles.

La France a désormais 5 buts d’avance 25-20 (50’)

Et la défense en zone! Finalement penalty donne. Ouf 51’45 26-21

The Bosnia player should get two mins for play acting and falling over

Ce n’est pas gagen par la foi des matchs.

Lesb filles exultent sur un petit bijou de VALOU

Maintenant c’est plus 6 with 6 minutes left on the clock

Then Gerard gets his goal with empty net mayhem.

Deux de suite actually. The second one was hardest and more predictable. Now we see why Wesley is not playing. Very interesting game where France got the 2nd half almost perfect.

Poland Sweden + Portugal Norway


Very yellow submarine in Gothenburg as Poland 2 – Sweden 2 on 4 minutes

Quiet affair between Portugal and Norway. Not many goals.

Just as I was looking for clothes to tidy it is now 3-2 on 7 minutes for Norway with imperious


Portugal not as determined and organised and already losing by 4 and the number of suspensions rising quickly (10-6 on 16 minutes)

A MOJITO please, not a Moryto and it is suddenly very quiet in Sweden as Poland leads 10-7 on 19 minutes, but never die Swede are back within one. Now Sweden are already leading by one.

Quintana mistake, very costly as Norway now ahead by 4 goals.

Tiny hopes and Salina makes it a 1-goal affair. So bizarre. Roughly five minutes left.

Palicka on song and Sweden brushing aside Poland.

Szmal is on POLSKA coaching staff !

Penalty miss by Poland so it is still 12-1dismi1 for Sweden (27’)

O'SULLIVAN was on the highway making it 15-13 (29’)

No rot with ROD as Norway leading 16-14 in the interval whereas Sweden understood to be one in front due to a 7-meter throw 14-13


Double quickfire save but only the first one will be considered.

Young Norwegian keeper saves a poor PORTELA penalty.

But a bit dismissive and they are NOT paying for it. Norway now cruising 20-15 (34’)

That’s it the game is finished 22-15 on 37 minutes.

The Sweden Poland is more nail-baiting.

But that game is getting untidy.

Gomez is not better on Quintana

Down to 3-goal advantage ONLY for Norway. WHEREAS Sweden rushes to a 5-goal lead 26-21 with twelve minutes left.

Both Nordic teams now on a winning position. Both hosts are eventually leading by 4 goals around the min 50 mark.

A deafening noise for Norway’s 30 30-25 (54’30)

Nilsson consolidates the Swedish lead and Bergerud keeps Portugal at bay.

Too greedy Portugal concedes a ball for a 7-goal deficit.

Sweden more professional and winning 28-26 in THE SCANDINAVIUM but it’s 34-28 for Norway.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

I saw Iceland vs Hungary match first half but missed the second half where surprisingly Hungary won over Iceland, leading to Denmark’s demise.

Watching a mouth-watering Russia vs Denmark but none of the two teams would qualify so it is a deflated Malmo arena.

Twice the PC got a message error. A scary one. Thank God. Today is not an important day and I am in a good mood. Unfortunately, tomorrow Spain’s match in rich and expensive Vienna is at 15:00 so I cannot even have my lunch break.

I cannot remember what I asked food wise; I think a combination of meat and fish.

Russia fan on his own. In a sea of Danish fans.

Denmark after Euro win, Olympics gold years later then Word Champion the motivation must have sizzled out. It is therefore no surprise that Russia is leading 15-12 in the interval.

This 24-team Euro format created four types of teams as the preliminary round finishes tonight after Russia vs Denmark

Minnows exceeding expectations

Portugal, Austria

Recognised nations with ups and lows

Sweden, Czech Republic, Iceland, Belarus

Consistent teams enjoying their handball

Norway, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary

Disappointing giants lacking motivation and not using their skills in the right way as if they did not want to turn up

France, Denmark, Germany

It looks like Denmark are catching up on Russia and 4 mins into the second half it is a 4-goal swing, Denmark 16 – Russia 15

After a 8-2 turnaround to Denmark’s advantage, a costly Danish foul leads to a logical 2-minute. Adds to the Russian opportunity to make the game (again) a close affair Denmark 20 Russia 19 (42‘30).

It is 21 all square now (44’).

When Russia play with that jersey you think that they are Iceland. It is quite unsettling. I remember noticing this on my last day in Berlin.

Big miss on the 7-meter penalty but empty net luck for Russia levelling it 22-22 (47’15)
However Denmark have a revival as they now lead by 2  26-24 (51'30) and set to increase it to 4 as it now reads 29-25 (56').
Casual save by Landin onto the post but thereafter empty net strategy leads to goal number 26 for Russia (58')
Ermakov is growing in confidence but has an average scoring efficiency. Advantage is cut to two 30-28 (59'30)
Follow-up by Zach who looked inside the area though as Denmark won 31-28 
Young Russian player is surporised to be MoM today. That was funny.



16.00                  I            WIEN                                            Spain – Czech Republic

PRONOSTICO               Win from Spain by 6 goals

18.15                    I            WIEN                                            Croatia - Austria

PRONOSTICO               Win from Croatia by 8 goals

20.30                  I            WIEN                                            Belarus – Germany

PRONOSTICO               Win from Germany by 7 goals


16.00                  II          MALMO                                                     Slovenia – Iceland

PRONOSTICO               Win from Iceland by 2 goals

18.15                    II          MALMO                                                     Norway - Hungary

PRONOSTICO               Win from Norway by 6 goals

20.30                  II          MALMO                                                     Portugal – Sweden

PRONOSTICO               Win from Sweden by 4 goals

SATURDAY 18 JANUARY 2020 [3 exciting matches, so a lot of regret]

16.00                  I            WIEN                                            Belarus – Czech Republic

PRONOSTICO               DRAW 26-26

18.15                    I            WIEN                                            Spain - Austria

PRONOSTICO               Win from Spain by 6 goals

20.30                  I            WIEN                                            Croatia – Germany

PRONOSTICO               Win from Croatia by 5 goals


14.00                  II          MALMO                                                     Portugal – Iceland

PRONOSTICO               Win from Iceland by 6 goals

16.15                    II          MALMO                                                     Slovenia - Hungary

PRONOSTICO               DRAW 30-30

18.30                  II          MALMO                                                     Norway – Sweden

PRONOSTICO               Win from Sweden by 2 goals


16.00                  I            WIEN                                            Croatia – Czech Republic

PRONOSTICO               Croatia win by 4 goals

18.15                    I            WIEN                                            Spain - Belarus

PRONOSTICO               Win from Spain by 9 goals

20.30                  I            WIEN                                            Austria– Germany

PRONOSTICO               Win from Germany by 3 goals


16.00                  II          MALMO                                                     Portugal – Slovenia

PRONOSTICO               DRAW 26-26

18.15                    II          MALMO                                                     Norway - Iceland

PRONOSTICO               Win from Norway by 3 goals

20.30                  II          MALMO                                                     Hungary – Sweden

PRONOSTICO               Win from Sweden by 6 goals


16.00                  I            WIEN                                                          Croatia – Spain

PRONOSTICO               Spain win by 2 goals

16.00                  II          MALMO                                                     Portugal – Hungary

PRONOSTICO               Win from Hungary by 2 goals

18.15                    I            WIEN                                                          Austria - Belarus

PRONOSTICO               Win from Austria by 1 goal

18.15                    II          MALMO                                                     Norway - Slovenia

PRONOSTICO               Win from Norway by 4 goals

20.30                  I            WIEN                                                          Czech Republic - Germany

PRONOSTICO               Win from Germany by 7 goals

20.30                  II          MALMO                                                     Iceland – Sweden

PRONOSTICO               Win from Sweden by 6 goals


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