EHF Men 2020 - Vienna's music

After Croatia easy win - I suppose - having watched the first half on the way to Barnes and losing signal during the second half on a bumpy train. 
Croatia were leading 13-8 on a low scoring affair without any trouble at the interval.
Croatia well ahead despite the Austrian efforts, as scoreline reads 15-10 (32'30).
It was 18-14 to Croatia with 38 minutes played when the 4G faltered unexpectedly.

I guess Spain won easily as well early in the afternoon, belated summary below, looking on as clear favourites ALREADY to go through to the semis, which makes me half annoyed half very happy. You cannot be everywhere all the time.

BELARUS – GERMANY   Feature match 16 January 2020


Belarus are improving year on year and not fearful of Germany. Germany missed an opportunity to be 3-1 on 3 minutes as the Belarus keeper extended his octopus legs.

Wolff is now a KIELCE player

Germany are playing seriously for this one. Pekeler is impeccable, two in a row within seconds and Germany on a 5-2 lead (6’)

Crumble now it is 8-3 (10’45)

Surprised that the German player did not get two minutes. Yes, he did in the end.

Even with a player down Germany are extending their lead with a clever wing pass 9-4 (12’)

And ironically to a 6-goal lead now: 10-4 (13’)

The manager is so annoyed at the big misses from his team in failing in the deficit reduction.

Vaillant play nonetheless by Belarus and suddenly a more respectable 11-6 (16’30)

As Wolff toys with the ball it remains 14-7 (21’) with faltering Belarus attacking options.

5-1 defense was useful for Belarus to breathe as it reads 16-9 (25’)

Kullesh sent a bullet into Wollf’s net just before passive play should have been called but Schmidt responded immediately 17-10 (26’)

I do not know the commentator but has improved dramatically if it is the same guy from the Rio Olympics. If it is job 100% of his time then what a lucky boy!

The last four minutes are so odd with thwarted chances and it is 18-11 for Germany, with 11th goal from Belarus on the buzzer. Another goal very much like the Kullesh goal 4 minutes ago.

#EHF2020 IT’S KASTENING (IT’S CHASTENING) with only 4 goals who leads the pack at the interval.


Kullesh sped through the German defense and the deficit is 19-13 (33’)

Prokop does not need a NAPOLEON coffee as of yet even if the scoreline becomes 19-14 a minute later.

Great steal per anticipation by Kastening and it is suddenly 22-15 (37’)

Belarus players are enjoying falling on the floor. Their attacking strategy is curtailed by an aggressive German defense, which allows to a 23-16 (39’30). 7 goals that was my prediction.

Karalek thwarted by Wolff’s agile left hand (40’); however Wolff threw the ball forward too quickly and Belarus did make use of such opportunity to claw back by one goal 23-17 (42’).

Kullesh punishing Germany on the counter but the German team will be tested as they play with one player down 25-20 (45’). The PC stalled, twice the match stopped for I could not see why Germany got back to it, now leading the promised land of 7 goals, with 11 minutes left on the clock.

Schwencker followed by a lob on the Belarus keeper. Loved everything about the simplicity of that goal even if Belarus were one man down 29-21 (51’30)

Bizarre decision from the ref as the ball was given back to Germany who failed to grasp the opportunity, still 29-21 (54’30)

Great KEMPE by Reichmann 30-21 (56’) and within seconds he gets his marching orders for a silly foul.

However, Wolff saves the KEMPE from Belarus….
Oh ho…. It’s mental…I should have played the scoring game but on the buzzer it’s 31-23. Cruel. Too easy for Germany.
KASTENING MofM obviously.



Czech Republic in front after 1 minute but Maqueda equalises after 1’30 being played

CIP lovely goal making it a tight 4-3 to Spain (7’)

Entrerrios left on his own and smashes it beautifully in the opposite corner 5-3 (9’)

Canellas is lucky not to get a two-minute suspension

What a save by the Czech keeper because AriƱo should have scored but Sole manages it 7-4 (12’)

Amazing double save on a penalty by Galia's replacement/understudy who plays in Germany and it remains 7-6 to Spain with 15 mins played. I am a Spain fan but seriously great stuff. And in Doha I had one of my best moments ever with Marlene when we held the Presidents Cup with the Czech players as they joined the fans in the public.

CIP has a good sip at the Spanish defense as he draws the match level 7-7 (16’)

But Viran has other ideas and suddenly it is 10-7 (18’)

There are too many patrocinadores on the shirt these days. The red one is by far the better one.

Canellas secures a very important goal as it reads 11-8 with ten minutes left in the first half.

Gonzalo had a very good save after a fantastic combination by the Czech team but remember the scoreline stands now at 12-8 (21’)

Beautiful Czech KEMPE denied by the referee (26’)

The scoreline remains at 12-9, not 12-11 !!!

But Sarmiento enjoys his short spell on the court by scoring number 13 for Spain after roughly 27’30 on the clock.

Variety in goal scorers is evidence of coaching players at high level in the right manner and it shows what Sr RIBERA had achieved with Brazil vs Germany in Granollers that famous day in 2013 was not something so extra-ordinary but very much a rational/logical example of his pedigree. I still prefer Mr Rivera.

Spain so much in charge 14-9 at half-time.


Hold on it is already 16-11 (33’)

So early in the day you can see many empty seats but Saturday is expected to be a sold-out day.

Rodrigo did not make an impact on the 7-meter throe and the goal advantage is only of five 17-12 (35’)

VAR for Spain number 19 but to be fair it was a no-brainer (36')

Exchange of goals as it is now 20-15 (39’)

Bizarre decision with no turnover for the Czech Republic. Deserved break for the Czech team.
Exchange of two minutes now, coming thick and fast indeed. Cheeky penalty by the Czech Republic. Only 3-goal lead now on 43 minutes.
Two empty net goals. I really hate this type of handball goals as it is now 23-17 (44’). This stems from the 2 suspensions suffered against only one by Spain.

But tenacious Czech are only losing 24-19 (46’30)

Spain are looking at a 5-1 defense now and it pays dividend

Wrong substitution is always a ridiculous event but it also gives an opportunity for Gonzalo to shine with a lovely long-range goal into the empty net for Spain’s number 26. Ten minutes left now.
It is probably game over now!

Our GEDEON gives SOLE a sunny outlook for Spain with a 10-goal lead: 29-19 (53’)
Lovely combination by the Czech Republic. WAOUH! That number 21, a little beauty with circa six minutes left.
Spain are a winning machine, even more solid than the one who won the WM or even the Euro two years ago.
And yet the lead reverts to a more respectable 6-goal defeat to Spain 31-25. Incredible 6-goal was my prediction. Mental !


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