NORWAY / AUSTRIA / SWEDEN EHF 2020 Day Three - Great wins

Second half

The Danish fans are not very fair-play.

Annoyingly Denmark up by 2 equalise at 19-17 on 36 minutes after trailing by 2

Spain keeps their stamina up as it is now 17-13

Impressive Maqueda’s goal which means 5 goals in front

Suddenly a little blow as the deficit down to 3 (18-15  37’)

The pace of both matches has slowed? On the contrary….

Spain up by 4 as 20-16 and a draw with Iceland (22-22)

On 42 minutes, I missed something and Landing gets a red card.  Whilst I appreciate the protection of players, some decisions are really awkward.

Maqueda storms away with lovely goal number 24. Biggest difference all match I think.

In the meantime, Iceland leading by one 24-23

A Palmarsson ensures that Iceland gets a 2-goal lead 25-23 on 46 min

Iceland happier (27-24) and so is Spain (26-18) with 12 minutes left

It is now 28-19 vs 27-29. I have to say the Nordic game is much tighter

Germany are not really playing. D DJU gets his goal as he gets onto the field for a 10-goal lead (51’)

They enjoy playing together and a lovely goal by A Gomez, making it 30-21 with just over seven minutes still on the clock.

Annoyingly Denmark equalised to 29-29 with 5 minutes left

Empty goal strategy not working for Denmark and Iceland leading by one.

Great save by Gustaffson. So Iceland still in front. Great match

Now Iceland winning by 2. So far the best game in the tournament.

Attackers foul and Denmark could equalise now with seconds left

Spain won 33-26 and so easily. and Iceland won 31-30  in a very exciting match.


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