Germany 2019 - Day X No more surprises please

Let's support France by a bit of poetry as photographers must keep quiet and neutral

Handball 19 poetical surprise

A bit of innuendo. A bit of unsettled sentiment.

A tad perplexed with a persistent dust

Forget Forgetful Forgot Have forgotten. I must

Brazil beating Croatia, unexpected tournament

Germany turning loud against European side

To their delight to keep their slender lead

Tiring selection of pictures left on a side

As sudden fatigue. As field for who to bleed.

Sadness for the unfortunate theft. Terrible

Why on earth people would do this to a lady?

There is a quiet atmosphere. Much audible

Why on earth fans would turn on daddy?

Waving good luck despite silence

Second week starts soon. This immense

Arena holds true fans. France must win

It would not make our view a sin.

Lanxess Arena 20h15 20 January 2019

2019 – 2019HJ942001


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