Germany 2019 - Day XII Lost in fright

I got up with a fright and I handled the ire fairly well. I actually lost my French bank card and the European Health Insurance card on the way to the main tribune seat last night because I cannot recall toying with my half empty wallet too often. I called the Lanxess Arena with no success. I also asked at the expensive cafe whose history includes reference to Napoleon Bonaparte. Never mind. Hopefully no unauthorised transactions performed.

We walked alongside the Rhein river. A vast number of gooses were playing in the parks behind Deutz and Messe.

We discovered some church designs close to Swedish and Austrian traditions.

I enjoyed the cathedral's interior design. It is said to date back from 1880 ! Mosaics were impressive. There were no St Bruno statues.

We also checked out at Farina where the manager gave us pricing information as to the different sizes for the original eau de cologne.

Temperatures were dropping fast and the wind was fairly chilly.


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