Germany 2019 - Day XVI Time to get back to London

Unfortunately we will be missing Spain vs Egypt, Croatia vs Sweden, France vs Germany and Denmark vs Norway. I hope fellow supporters will have a good time in Herning.
It is however time to get back to London. The fortnight has flown by. I am genuinely tired and I had a good time. All good things come to a halt.
My pictures were not as good but not too bad for a first hands-on experience. Two reasons : my equipment is not state of the art, the lens is not designed for close sports action. I also get quite excited and got nervous about the dust issue, which I hope to understand and solve on my visit to a photo shop in London tomorrow.
I should get to Balham in order to watch Croatia vs Sweden but broadcasting rights in the UK are very blurry, which means I could struggle with any live streaming.


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