Germany 2019 - Day VII Meeting the players

Today was an eerie experience. It was very cavalier in the way the day unfolded. I was eager to have the photo / handball bag ready for the visit to the players and yet I had to go from/back to the meeting point various times. I was very hesitant as to what I should wear and I wanted to restrict myself to the bare minimum. Yet I managed to lose an item whilst walking as I lost touch with my belongings. It just shows that I never learn from mistakes and I do not know how to distinguish the very important issues from the smallest of concerns. Courteous I was. Unefficient I was because I spend too much time with one person and I am also spending time waiting for others. We see familiar faces and most fans are very helpful with each other. Each and every signing session is different. I was amazed today how quickly the beers went and how short the visit with the players was. We waited for the players as they came back from a training session. I did not have time to have a stab at the different beers.
I am pleased to be amongst the friendly handball fans and the leading prominent handball players.
We are lucky to have such great players.
Earlier in the day I was going into the city and after a few minutes I bumped into some of the French handball players who were going to the telecommunications tower from East Berlin. I was wearing my white France jersey, which has now two spots of bother. I was wearing my Spain shirt at breakfast to the wrath of fellow French fans. I waved hello to the players and I slowly chased them to get at least one picture then I let them go. 
I missed a good dinner in a nice atmosphere because I went back to the hotel hoping to see and find one missing item to no avail. I saw the results of Groups B, C and D whereas I did not manage to watch Spain vs Macedonia. Apparently the performance in the second half was one of masterclass. It was a very fun early evening. The suitcase is ready as if I were to leave tomorrow but thankfully I am staying in Berlin until Friday midday.

Fabrice being interviewed by France Info

Phil and Cathy are having a chat with Mr G Gille

Lucho is happy with Catherine

Nedim is having fun with Cyril

A fun picture with the handball friends 


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