Germany 2019 - Day XIII Spain missed an opportunity to end on a high in Germany

I was very sad when the Spain match ended and I saw Viran shy away from a radio interview in the mixed zone. I am not surprised as I would have done the same thing. He was sad, gutted to have missed the equaliser. There were a lot of opportunities to get a better result against Germany. 
Despite being a photographer I was getting a bit annoyed by some decisions by the Swedish referees. I left hastily the media center and thanked the volunteers but forgot to wave goodbye to the local media manager. Wearing the commemorative shirt was not a good omen. 
Germany managed to win despite using their second string fringe players.
Spain missed an opportunity to end on a high in Germany.
Spain's last game will be against Egypt on Saturday at 17:30 hours at the Jyske Boxen Arena in Herning. I shall not be there unfortunately. Vamos Hispanos.

Raul Entrerrios tiene balones bajo control. Aporta mucho al balonmano espanol.  It was so obvious in Croatia last year and it is a joy to see him. He is so classy before, during and after the matches. A model player some other sports should take note of.


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