Germany 2019 - Day XIII Unease and only France

Hello dear handball friends,
I asked at the media center and neither they could not find my bank card nor my EHIC card. A request for replacement cards was made.
Frederic Brindelle and Bruno contacted Stefan the local media manager for the Hamburg media list and there is nothing else I can do.
Gave away my match ticket for today to Lorene at a friend's price so I hope I will get a photographer seat for the Germany vs Spain match. The answer is no at the moment. Gutted. I thought my suggestion would help and in the end neither have I a seat upstairs nor behind the goals as a photographer. I got told subsequently that I would be in position no. 32 but it is not 100% certain until I see it on the list. I want to keep the match ticket and told Lorene so as I collect them. I cannot see any formal amendment to the list but I trust the media representative whose first name I have already forgotten. Really ill at ease.
I had to plea to the lady that asked me twice to put the net back into the position last Sunday and to whom I was aggressive towards.
I value the courage from the Danish referees to admit their mistakes after the controversy around their decisions at the end of the Germany vs Croatia match.
I felt very hot with the French (blue and white shirts) and Spanish (2013 and 2018 shirts) layers.
I got scared and upset in the end owing to a self-fulfilling prophecy of card/personal property losses.
One gets to be nice and ends up in a worse position.
I am not sure Juan Camayo will have remembered our meeting point at the end of the match tonight.
You see the bad side of Bruno, who is scared of asking something and gets annoyed when challenged. I also get upset quite easily even if I have improved.
The dust issue is also playing on my mind as it seemed to have spread across the screen.
Would have liked to check if I could find the missing in Block 214 but the replacement process is now under way. Moving on please.
I am still happy because I am going to Hamburg next but will not go to Herning. I will only see France there and not my beloved Spanish friends. My Spanish is so rusty these days ; it puts me to shame. And even my English is so French as I am around French and German speakers. For the sake of one day and because I do not like the prospect of flying out of Billund. It is also virtually impossible to beat that final match in terms of handball quality at EHF Euro 2014 in Denmark.
You have to keep a close eye on your belongings. Keep the ball tight and keep dreaming. Stay positive despite various little wobbles. Just smile. It is always better. Maybe it is about time I got back to London and thrive on work matters. However working in the handball world beyond idle commitments would be fun and rewarding.


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